The Ripple Effect

I’m one of those rare people who have been at the same church almost my whole life.  The Church of Christ of Hempfield Township in Greensburg, PA was established in 1958.  My parents, grandparents, and other family members were charter members.  The church recently held its 60th-anniversary celebration and I was asked to say a few words at the afternoon program.  Here are my comments:

“I was trying to imagine how my life would be different if this church had never existed.  To be honest, I can’t imagine how my life would be without it because it has been at the center of my life since I was six years old.

It was here I learned that God loves me.

It was here I saw my parents, my grandparents, and my aunt and uncle sacrifice to see God’s kingdom expanded.

It was here I learned to study my Bible.

It was here I learned how to pray.

It was here I learned how to give.

It was here I was baptized and gave my life to Jesus.

It was here I learned the value of a soul.

It was here I learned how to share my faith.

It was here I learned how to hold on to my faith when life was hard.

It was here I formed my closest friendships – the ones that will last for eternity.

It was here I met the wonderful man I share my life with – although I’m sure God would have sent him to wherever I was after going all the way to Colorado to find him for me!  And it was here I married him.

And it’s not just my life that has been affected by this church.  The world has been affected by it.

Just think of all the people who have been touched by the dozens of “Timothies” we have sent out from here.

Just think of all the ministers, elders, deacons, teachers, and leaders who have been a part of this church and gone on to serve all over the world.

It will be interesting to someday see all the people who are in heaven because of the influence of this church.

I will be one of them.  And I am eternally grateful for those who prayed and worked and gave to put this church on this hill and for the Lord who gave them the vision for it.  He is the reason we exist.  I consider myself very blessed to be a part of this church!”
